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Mystery of Water

inner bonding wave
Explore the interconnected awesomeness of water in all things. From liquid crystalline to memory storage to a superfluid universe, water is a mystery that can invite us back to our heart and soul.

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“Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.” – Albert Szent-Györgyi

by Astara

There is an old Hindu proverb and saying that the three greatest mysteries are a fish unto water, a bird unto the air and a man unto himself.  The famous writer David Foster Wallace offers another perspective on this from a story of two fish.

There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, “Morning, boys, how’s the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes, “What the hell is water?”

Water covers about seventy-one percent of the Earth’s surface. It pervades the sky as water vapor. Your cells are two-thirds water by volume. Thales of Miletu, a pre-Socratic philospher and mathematician circa 500 B.C. hypothesized that the originating principle of nature and the nature of matter was a single material substance: water. Amazingly, the water molecule is so small that 99% of the molecules in your body are water. The same goes for all of life. Everything is made of water.

Fourth Phase of Water

In the last decade, a new idea of water emerged with the discovery of the fourth phase of water. The groundwork was laid out for the discovery in 1969 when scientists discovered polywater, but due to discreditation by the scientific community, the research went on pause for decades. It wasn’t until Gerald Pollack took on the study of the fourth phase of water in the late 1990’s, that this discovery could move forward at all. Even now, it is still controversial.

Gerald Pollack writes in his book The Fourth Phase of Water, “Since water is everywhere, you might reasonably conclude that we understand it completely…I think we don’t.” In his book, Gerald Pollack presents a controversial new hypothesis: that water has four phases. Currently we understand three phases of water: solid, liquid, vapor. As uncomfortable as it is to the current science, Pollack, with the help of a few brave scientists, discovered water has a fourth phase called the exclusion zone (EZ) or liquid crystalline. Pollack’s experiments help explain water mysteries such as why your joints work without squeaking, why pollen grains jitterbug in a puddle, why fair weather clouds form such lovely puffy white shapes, the slipperiness of ice, how ice floats, rising water in very tall trees, and the ability of tsunami waves to circle the globe, to name just a few.

Water’s four phases:

  • solid
  • liquid crystalline (H3O2)
  • liquid (H2O)
  • vapor

It turns out the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is different for liquid crystalline. The fourth phase or EZ has a 3:2 hydrogen to oxygen ratio and holds a net charge of -1, whereas bulk water has a 2:1 hydrogen to oxygen ratio and holds a neutral charge. Liquid Crystalline or EZ is also comprised of a hexameric or hexagonal arrangement of atoms. If you want to dive into the science, we recommend Gerald Pollack’s book.

“First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident,” Arthur Schopenhauer says about the reception an innovative idea receives in the ranks of the scientific community.

Liquid Crystalline

The fourth phase of water – EZ or liquid crystalline – is also called structured water in some circles. Structured water is said to hold benefits for your health such as superior hydration, detoxing, promoting immunity, and increasing energy.

You can structure the water you drink using a few different methods, all of which originate in the natural world. You can get structured water from ice melt. You can use vortex technology to mimic the spiraling torque and spin found in nature. You see this pattern in DNA, the way water flows down a drain, storm systems, rivers, oceans, and how fluids naturally flow in our body. When you juice fruit and vegetables? The water remaining is structured. You can structure water through light (visible vibration) or sound (invisible vibration).

As if a fourth phase of water were not interesting enough, physics is beginning to believe that the universe and the quantum vacuum of space as well as our air might be made of a superfluid. A very slippery fluid without viscosity. It is possible in the near future we will discover our reality mimics Wallace’s parable of the young fish, who don’t know they are already in water.

In 2012, there was another incredible water discovery by professor Boris Koch in Germany that water holds memory. The recent movie Frozen 2 capitalizes on this discovery as part of its plot. It parallels the HeartMath field view discovery demonstrating that “the earth’s magnetic fields are carriers of biologically relevant information that connects all living systems.”

video screenshot bowl water


Our sound vibrationally restructures your body’s fluid nature. Our sound healing work returns any water in the room and your body back to the liquid crystalline it was designed to be. In the blog Healing and Alchemy: The Power of Sound, we remind you, you are made of sound. Sound is a primordial force that created and is creating the universe. Sound moves at a much faster speed in the water than in air, five times faster. So imagine that if you are mostly water, your body is an amazing conductor of sound and electricity. Our body is like a battery, and if we are hydrated, our battery runs energy more effectively.

In cymatics, sound is made visible through water and sand, helping us see how sound moves through all of life. Check out John Stuart Reid’s Cymascope work. In our Illuminating Hearts’ video we demonstrate cymatics with water. (watch from minute 1:34 to 2:20 min)

We conduct energy to each other. You can feel it when you hold hands in a circle. It is important to tune up your body, the water inside you and around you. To structure it. To return it back to the liquid crystalline state it was intended to be in. Intentional harmonious sound is a beautiful way to structure the water inside you and around you. We provide structured water at our sessions, restored by the resonance medicine we are creating. That way our guests can drink the healing vibration we channeled for their soul. Come enjoy a Sound Alchemy session and drink your own song!

Unlock the Mystery in Your Heart

“First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident,” Arthur Schopenhauer says about the reception an innovative idea receives in the ranks of the scientific community. When you have a breakthrough, you may experience the same trajectory in your relationships at work and at home.

When your intuition or visions go against the grain of current cultural norms, it is time to turn to your heart. If your dream has never been done before and there is no map, it takes great courage to follow the unknown. Cour is Latin for heart. Dropping into your heart helps you not only listen to your knowing, it gives you the map and the strength to act on that wisdom. As Lady Gaga sings, the mind will have a million reasons why not to do something, yet the heart gives the one critical reason to do it. This is because your heart is the seat of your soul. What your heart tells you is a message straight from your soul. The next time a cultural story invites you to take pause, get quiet. Listen to your heart. Then ask, what does my soul think? What does my soul want? And take action on what you hear. You have the power to live the life your soul intended.

Because water occupies such a ubiquitous presence in our lives, few people can imagine that such fundamentals in our world can be open to question. It is the same with all the assumptions of our lives. Yet, such audacious curiosity is what has evolved our species for millennia. There is a passion even now that may be bubbling up from within you. Unlock the pull of your heart. Inside you lies new ideas and consciousness that will help future generations. Not only in science, but in all fields. Be brave. Be curious. Be open. Question everything. Your heart knows the way.

Astara can help you unlock the mystery in your heart and live the life your soul intended with Heartifact Archaeology. Astara and Orion can support you to go even deeper with Soul Alchemy and Sound Alchemy.

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