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Healing and Alchemy

Astara Orion Illuminating Hearts
Awaken to the construct of sound and vibration that you are. Discover your own inner music and in turn you will discover your inner wisdom. We believe sound not only heals, it changes your relationship to life.

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“In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning” (John 1:1, King James Version)
by Astara

As is the case with any bold essay on health, please remember — content in this blog and on our site is for informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.

Astara Orion Sound AlchemyFirst There Was Sound

As it was written in a famous book, the word came first. Another way to say it: first there was sound. Sound is a primordial force. It is the primordial force. Sound creates the universe. When I say sound, I refer not to a sound that we can “hear” but rather vibration at a frequency beyond our hearing range. Still, our bodies can experience the direct influence such a vibration — whether we are conscious of it or not.

When two particles collide with each other, that collision creates sound. From that collision, or sound, comes the release of electromagnetism, which is light. (That is why we are passionate at each event about bringing awareness of how we use our words in the world. You are speaking your universe into being through the words you use and the vibration you choose.)

All cells (and all light) have a metabolic process that has a sound. Although we can’t “hear” that sound, when that metabolic process slows down or gets stuck, we get experience dis-ease, a lack of ease in our system. There are quantum collisions or sounds occurring all of the time within matter. Every living cell has its own particular sonic signature. The wisdom tradition of the Shipibo tribe in Peru have known for centuries that everything is a song. Their shamans sing over the sick to bring them back to their intended harmony. John Stuart Reid has validated many sonic signatures by making sound visible through cymatics. Dr James Gimzewski and his new science of sonocytology, calls that vibration or frequency a song. To be poetic, every cell sings as a natural function of its metabolic process.

Healing and Alchemy

The term Sound Healing is used to describe sound and resonance as a healing modality. We prefer to call it Sound Alchemy, playing with the idea of changing the very state of our being at a root level. We have discovered sound not only heals, it transforms. Resonance medicine creates healing AND alchemy, shifting us from dissonance to coherence, where healing occurs. Healing sounds are a win win providing healing and transformation.

According to Oxford English Dictionary (OED) healing is defined as “The process of making or becoming sound or healthy again.” What fun! The definition of healing holds the words “becoming sound.”

In the OED, alchemy is defined as “the medieval forerunner of chemistry, concerned with the transmutation of matter, in particular with attempts to convert base metals into gold or find a universal elixir,” as well as, “a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.”

We know of the direct physical relief and healing that vibrational medicine offers; this is what began our story in the first place.

We also experience the transmutation of matter and the seemingly magical process of transformation — multiple times every day. In our client lives, we hear reports of wave upon wave of learning, healing, and vibrational field upgrades. It is the same in our lives. We seriously stand just inches from the instruments so we get the strongest dose of all! Working daily with such positive resonance has re-birthed us into sound as our full-time work.

Our sound brings clarity where once lay confusion. It helps clients feel and sense where their pain hides out, so they can tend to, release, and unwind. For some clients, sound opens a journey and they find themselves traveling through time or explore the globe in their imagination. After each private or public sound alchemy session we receive reports about how the sound changed a person’s life.

“I felt like angels were knitting my knee back together post-surgery,” one woman shared. “I was able to talk to my brother who I haven’t felt connected to since he passed,” said another. “The whole time I was in Spain! It was marvelous!” exclaimed a happy man after. “I was dancing around a fire, it was me in another lifetime,” said another.

👉🏼 The medicine of our sonic vibrations creates a beautiful alchemy, changing discordant states of your being back into harmonious states of resonance.

👉🏼 This occurs because of a simple truth: everything is made of sound. And sound creates everything.

It would make sense that going to the source of everything is a good place for true healing and alchemy.


Ancient Medicine, Future Medicine

Sound as medicine started thousands of years ago and it is currently experiencing a renaissance across the globe. Many coastal cities and other large metropolitan cities in the U.S. are filling with sound healers. Europe, Africa, South America, Central America, Australia, New Zealand, India, Middle East, Russia, and Asia, and many other countries are influencing the trend of sound healing.

Gongs, crystal singing bowls, metal singing bowls, chimes and other sonic healing tools are becoming common tools. Social media and the news are filled daily with new articles, research white papers, and TED talks pointing to the benefits of sound healing. Sound baths, sound meditations, tuning forks, and massage with singing bowls have been on the rise, and slowly becoming more known in the heartland.

Modern (alopathic) medicine’s use of resonance tools has also been quickening:

The trend towards resonance as medicine encompasses a wide spectrum of theories. New data describes which frequencies heal specific parts of the body or energy centers. Some are terming this orientation as “frequencyism.” We are developing our own theories too, so stay tuned (pun intended). We are less interested in the obsession with “frequencyism” and much more interested in our intuitive orientation. By paying attention to the patterns of the natural world and how different set (intention) and settings (acoustic spaces) can influence each attendees healing journey.

We bow to the sound healing evolution we are in. We are grateful for the diverse range of practices and approaches. We are part of a re-evolution of medicine as we know it. In the next 20 to 50 years, possibly sooner, we foresee alopathic medicine will be more resonance-focused and less invasive across multiple medical specialties.

singing bowl icaros healing alchemyThe Shipibo tribe in Peru weave songs called “icaros” that are representations of the resonance and vibration of our world. The two icaros in this image from left to right: the song to navigate the spirit world and the song for protection and care of the body.

You are a song. A tree is a song. Your cells each have a song. Everything inside you and around you is singing. Healing is singing your song back to you so your metabolic process can return to harmony.

The use of positive sound, vibration, and frequency offers a much bigger payoff than just healing. It offers transformation in a heartbeat. Each of us are architects of resonance and your body’s sonic intelligence is the true healer. Come experience the magic of our conscious and intentional sound for yourself. Bring a friend.

Treat yourself to a Sound Alchemy session. Or visit our shop and experience the magic from the comfort of your own home.

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