Soul & Sound Healing, Education, and Coaching for

dream builders, cultural creatives, soulful seekers, and leaders

“This is how we heal the world — one heart at a time. For one heart holds the truth of all hearts.”

Astara Raven & Orion

We help you illuminate your heart, the seat of your soul, your power — where all healing and intelligence begins.

Astara is a gifted pragmatic mystic. Like the black blue shimmer of raven, she knows the darkest night allows us to see the stars. Astara is an expert in sparkle — your life force! She unlocks your power to reveal your soul’s code.

Orion is a sound man. He knows that underlying everything visible is the vital essence that forms you and the world. Sound is the invisible vibration you are made of, the music of your body and soul. He’s an alchemist in the art and science of resonance to inspire and guide you home to yourself.

We help you rewire your brain and nervous system by escorting stress and anxiety away. We guide you to uncover your heartifacts, the treasure buried within. Join us to unwind lifetimes of limiting agreements so that you can live your best life.

It’s time to shine!

Inside our soul and sound offerings, Astara and Orion at Illuminating Hearts help you build circuits to own your power. Hang out with us long enough and we’ll have you believing in yourself and living your dreams.

“Soul-care is the ultimate self-care.”


“I am telling everyone (that will listen) about you. I have tried so many different things to help with my PTSD, but I cannot believe how much of a difference one Soul & Sound Retreat has made and how instantaneous the effect was! I can not say thank you enough!!!”

Bridget Roy

Astara is an intuitive channel, sound healer, and transformation coach. 

Orion is a sound man, filmmaker, and mindfulness mentor. 

In whatever soul or sound healing session you choose, Astara and Orion of Illuminating Hearts reconnect you to your heart center and help you heal at the source of life: vibration.

Heal limitations and reveal joy within the multidimensional Heartifact Archaeology© Eco-System. Dig a little deeper to embrace your sparkle — your power — and shine.

Reconnect with your power amid the restorative gifts of sound and mindfulness. This is what we mean when we say, "drop the pebble of the mind into the pond of the heart."

“What feels like a dangerous risk to the mind, is a daring relief to the heart.”

Inner Space Academy

Join the Soul Lab and enter the wise playground of your own mystery, where you can effectively heal and create the life you’ve always wanted. Subscribe to become an inner space astronaut. Inner Space is the key to personal and human evolution!

Enjoy a free glimpse into Inner Space Academy’s Introduction online!

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your knowing
is so bright
you touch
turns to gold


by Astara

…You know intuition is the only true thing
shining inside you as you lay there naked
before me, larger than life.
I want to paint you like that, facing me,
at rest without limits.
You cannot be contained within one canvas.
The lines of your shoulder, hip, thigh
create new horizons.
All logic, definitions and rationales alchemize
into hunches and luminous insight.
Your knowing is so bright
everything you touch turns to gold.

Bloop! Podcast

A Podcast capturing the sound of imagination. Join Astara in conversation with many beautiful collaborators.

Bloop! is the magical sound when we drop the pebble of the mind into the pond of the heart. From there, ripples of truth and love flow out to the world. Your imagination is the currency of the heart, building dreams into being. Listen to your heart. Dream. Build a wild new world with us.