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Interdependence and Freedom

SOULJourn Adventure
Let's evolve out of independence into interdependence and redefine freedom.

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You can find your deepest freedom in connection.

by Astara

Today, on the Fourth of July, many in our country are thinking about freedom. We at Illuminating Hearts want to help create a new approach for today’s national holiday. Let’s evolve out of independence into interdependence and redefine freedom.

Independence as we have been taught in our culture holds a lack of connection and commitment to others. It can be a place of power struggle and competition. Independence creates dissociation from difficult feelings which blocks vulnerability and intimacy.  Instead, we call today Interdependence Day.


Interdependence is a state where we accept our needs and feelings and reach out for connection.

Interdependence reflects our willingness to not be afraid of painful feelings and our own and others’ needs. Then we in turn begin to accept others and respond without running away.

In a world that is filled to the brim with outward signs and symptoms of chaos rooted in separation and fear, it is also easy to be distracted by the idea that freedom is found outside you. That freedom is something you have to fight for, earn, or gain externally. I will be free when they act differently or they change their policy, behavior, and rules.

In my years of evolution, I have learned it is actually the opposite: freedom is fully available in each moment and it is up to each of us. I discovered the universe is interdependent and more benevolent and expansive than I had originally been taught; that everything is energy; that my soul came here to experience every single detail in order to learn, no matter how challenging or joyful those details are; that freedom is not something obtained outside of me.

Ultimately, I learned that I had the power inside me all along to claim freedom in my life.

The author Jack Canfield tells of a therapist he went to that showed him a pivotal equation about life. That equation is E + R = O. In other words, “event” plus “response” equals “outcome.” Many events happen in our lives that trigger us, shock us, sadden us, create immense whelm, and seem beyond our control. Although we can’t predict the “event” that comes our way, we have absolute power to choose our “response.” When we realize that we can choose to respond in a way that is inclusive, authentic and loving no matter what event is unfolding, then freedom begins. And the outcome will shift before our very eyes. When we discover that nothing is happening to us, it is actually happening for us (to reveal love), that is when freedom begins.

In Sanskrit there is a mantra that summarizes it well: Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu which translates as “May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”

How do you access that freedom right now? How do you respond instead of react? Slow your breath down, get quiet, listen to the sensations of your body, put your hand on your heart to feel its rhythm, and think of something that brings you joy. The simple act of slowing down, breathing, feeling joy out of nowhere, and connecting to your body, creates coherence between your mind, heart and gut; it allows you to drop into the wisdom that lies inside you.

When you inhabit your own center, you do not experience the shadow effect of the mind where duality and contrast is created. The heart is the source of the highest concentration of energy that you are (light), so no shadow or polarity is cast from your experience when you root there.

Freedom is knowing our truth, power, belonging, and worthiness has been inside us all along.

We have the freedom to choose our response to the events in our lives, and this is where our true power lies. To decide no matter what happens, we will practice love and compassion from our wise center. This interdependence day, we wish for you to move into the richness of life which comes with intimacy and connection. We wish for you to remember just how free you are right now. Accept your needs and feelings. Choose your response to each event. Let it be a loving one. It will liberate your world. Happy Interdependence Day. Enjoy your new found freedom and connection! May all beings everywhere be happy and free.

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