Shine your soul brighter than ever before. You are the gold the world needs. It is time to bring your soul on deck.

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by Astara

We are going through a massive global shift right now. Amidst such immense change, the cultural tractor beam of fear and pessimism is super strong, and is pulling many of us in. How we meet this change, and what we choose to do with this cultural tipping point is important.

“One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire. To display the lantern of soul in shadowy times like these – to be fierce and to show mercy toward others; both are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it. If you would help to calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do.” – Clarissa Pinkola-Estes

Much greater in strength is the pull towards shining our soul into the world, choosing health and awareness of a new kind of connection with ourselves and each other. The gift of today is the choice of today. To stand up and show our soul, we have to access the love that permeates everything. To access this love, we have to dissolve fear for a moment, to see the greater gifts lying in wait inside these uncertain times. You may have heard these words a few times already: This pandemic is not happening to us, it is happening for us. Still, we cannot shove our deep concerns away. We need a sacred place to honor our feelings and fears, so we can flow them and release them in health. A dose of calm, loving support, and a doorway to inner peace is the medicine that can most help with that. Change is rocking everyone’s world right now, and in times of change, rest, support, and positive structure is helpful. Schedule some meditation time in your day. Nap when you can. Breathe deeper and slower. Notice delight.

We bring important medicine in these impactful times. Our soul and sound offerings, guided meditations, and soul education provide settings and tools to ease your mind, body, and soul. However this global situation is affecting your corner of the world, when you take a moment to slow down your breath and daily rhythm, all of your body and field begin to harmonize. This is where the core of healing actually occurs in your rest and digest state.

During a Sound Alchemy session or listening to a recording, loving vibrations flow through you to help you surrender your fears, your past, your future over to love so you can remember your truth. Fear is just your protective personality trying to love you and protect you. Unfortunately, hanging out with fear too long and giving it too much credence, has a detrimental affect on your body and spirit, leaving you weakened. Let this song help you arrive back in the here and now, the only moment there ever is. Change sings to you of what is possible now. Open your ears and heart, and let your life speak to you and sing you forward into your new world. Surrender your fear to love, what it was trying to be in the first place. We can then remember who we are, what we are here to do, and how we really serve. 

We know we will get through this together, and better than before, no matter what the appearances right now. We continue to hold you and the world in love, positive visions of possibility, compassion for the challenges of change, and prayer for it all. Thank you in advance for shining your soul brighter than ever before. You are the gold the world needs.

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