Guided Meditation: Blue Diamond Light (Free)

This guided meditation strengthens your immune system and your adrenals as well as brings healing light into your body where you most need it, which is an added bonus during these turbulent times. Enjoy this free guided meditation, download it, and re-listen to it daily.


“Blue skies, smiling at me. Nothing but blue skies do I see.” — Irving Berlin

Guided Meditation: Blue Diamond Light (5:55 min)

Join Astara in a guided meditation to strengthen your immune system and fill you with the truth. Enjoy this guided meditation, download it, and re-listen to it often.

This Blue Diamond Light guided meditation is wonderful medicine for the times we find ourselves in. Strengthen your immune system and your adrenals. Bring healing light into your body where you most need it. Support yourself all year round, but especially during winter season, when you’re feeling cold or flu symptoms, when facing turbulent times, or when healing persistent miserable thoughts.

Blue is a high vibrational color on the frequency spectrum. It is the color closest to your Higher Self (purple is the highest and closest to what we call God or Creator or Source). Blue is a fantastic color for clarity, like the clear blue sky. Such clarity is an antidote to dissolve miserable thoughts and fill you with truth instead.

Illuminating Hearts provides the nourishing container of sound medicine as the backdrop for this guided meditation, helping you come home to your soul. Their intentional sound is a channeled energy transmission, lifting you into the expanded resonance of love, truth, and freedom.

Recommended activity before listening: You know those thoughts you subtly or not-so-subtly tell yourself over and over? Those limiting thoughts were trying to love and protect you, but ended up squashing you. If held too long, they get held in the body and become dis-ease. Write a list of the top five miserable thoughts you tell yourself often. They are lies. Now, write down the opposite — in positive language and present tense. That is the truth. After, listen to this meditation and let the blue light be alchemy for your mind and body, transforming your limits to possibility.

Listening Recommendations:

This meditation can be enjoyed sitting or laying down. Close your eyes, or use an eye mask, so that you can turn within and connect deeply with yourself and your energy. This is a stereo binaural recording. To get the most out of this experience, you must use headphones or earbuds.

This guided meditation is also in our Quantum Consciousness online course collection in our fabulous Inner Space Academy. Enjoy the Project Awakening Introduction for free, where you can learn explore more about our course collection at your own pace.

Production Sound Mixing, Engineering & Design: Tiny Space Productions

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