Upgrade, Empower, Embody, Connect

world connected
Radiant love and a multitude of healing blessings to all of you during these times of learning and challenge we are experiencing on our planet right now. There is a healthy path forward.

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“I urge you, ask you, gentle you, to please not spend your spirit dry by bewailing these difficult times. Especially do not lose hope. Most particularly because, the fact is that we were made for these times. Yes. For years, we have been learning, practicing, been in training for and just waiting to meet on this exact plain of engagement.” – Clarissa Pinkola-Estes

by Astara

Anything that arises in our world, no matter how intense, comes with important learning. We agree with Lena Stevens of The Power Path when she writes about COVID-19, “Always taking the position of ‘we create our own reality’, we have to trust that this virus has its purpose and its medicine.” The medicine can vary by individual, group or community, yet it has a general theme that influences us all. Although we can’t see what the future holds, we know that with enough love, self-care, and community connection we can get through anything, together. Here are some wisdom perspectives channeled straight from my Source as guidance to help you find peace and power during accelerated change. I encourage you to tune into your heart to find what this medicine holds for you personally as well. The heart knows the path forward.

Medicine wisdom during difficult times:

  1. Upgrade and integrate.
  2. Empower yourself.
  3. Embody consciously.
  4. Connect and collaborate.



Energetically, when a virus comes into our body, it brings with it upgrades for our soul so we can become more integrated and whole. Everything begins at the level of energy and spirit inside us, and ultimately becomes physical. A powerful energetic method of prevention is to tell the universe, “I am paying attention. I will work on the message. I’m aware and conscious of what is going on. I don’t need the virus to physically take me through that process.” If you or someone you love does get the virus, do not be frightened or judge yourself or them, that is part of the perfection. Let it gift you with the important upgrades it is bringing through direct experience, and do the integration you are being guided to at this time. If someone you love gets the virus, hold love, compassion, and share this blog resource with them.

The COVID-19 virus has fever symptoms and affects the lungs. A fever helps us burn off the old beliefs and stories that no longer serve us. In the Energy Codes I teach how you can build the bonfire of the heart by generating love out of nowhere and out of nothing (unconditional), and use that energetic internal fire to help dissolve and return old limiting beliefs and stuck fears back to the love they were trying to be in the first place. This virus is closely linked to the lungs, where grief is held. The opportunity is to bring awareness around any untended hidden hurts and stories held in your lungs and body, and acknowledge, feel, forgive and love all of it to a new place. The waves of fear across the globe are activating our instinctual center, or our root or base chakra, giving us an opportunity to revisit our subconscious thought forms and attitudes about our own physical vitality, fear, survival, other lifetime patterns, grief, loss and suffering.

I recommend you approach integration of the abandoned and untended parts of you through Inner Bonding. There is a deeper reason we are physically distancing. As we make new choices to protect and defend from the virus, simultaneously there is an engraved invitation from the universe for ALL of us to tend to our inner world. To accelerate what the Earth needs right now, I cannot emphasize this enough: we have some serious renovation work to do on the inside!



A virus feeds on fear and separation and thrives in the dark. Sunshine, humor, beauty, trust, love and joy will be the best antidote. The storytelling mind will tend to hover and spin in fear, and the viral news stream encourages that. Mind fear has no grip when we choose to come back to the flow of power that comprises All That Is. And the easiest way to do that? Drop into your heart. When we reveal our heart and core as our inner compass, we hold the key to the vast wisdom residing inside of us.

One of our taglines, “drop the pebble of the mind into the pond of the heart,” reveals our mission to help you gain access to the wisdom that comes straight from your Source. This is empowerment.

Information and updates will constantly flow while everything about this virus is being revealed, researched and vetted; there will be conflicting reports and confusing information. There is a strong cultural shadow that we all know, which is the tendency for media sources to drive urgency and fear, in order to keep you glued to it all as a consumer. Don’t believe everything you hear and read. Stay open, connected, curious, and discerning. Take in the information you feel called to, especially reputable sources, but above all else, trust your core knowing over all other authority. Unplug when you need to. Use this time creatively. Work on projects you have always wanted. Write that book. Create that art. Take that online class. And if you are feeling the economic pressure, get creative and connected. Reach out for advice. Talk to friends. Seek out mentors. Get new ideas, innovate. Necessity is the mother of invention, and some amazing new gift of yours may be waiting for this pressure cooker of a time for the right variables to give birth to a new idea the world needs! Choose humor, beauty, trust, love and joy as often as possible. Cultivate that space, and seek out ways to share it with others.



Take the cue from the universe within and without and embody in a more conscious way. The Coronavirus definitely has everyone’s attention, and one of its gifts is to help us focus right now on full spectrum health and overall immunity. Redefine health as harmony between mind, body and soul. The soul speaks through the body and the heart is the helm. It is time to listen.

Mind: Thoughts and feelings are powerful, they are energy in motion inside of you creating your physical world. In my post Three is the Magic Number I talk about the power of aligning all three of your minds: head, heart and gut.

Change your mindset from victim to creator. You are creating all the time, and this big pandemic is part of your creation, even if it is hard to see how right now. Do you want to create your life by default or by design? (hint hint, choose “design”)

“The gift of the day is the choice of the day.” – Paul Selig, from Beyond the Known: Realization

Make a choice to practice coherence between your three minds so you can keep your nervous system and subtle energy system communicating beautifully, supporting your immune system and overall health. There are simple ways to do this through breath and meditation. Re-mind your mind that there is nothing to fix. Healing is actually revealing what has always been there. I have designed all my courses in Inner Space Academy to help you embody.

Body: Hopefully you are hearing this message everywhere: stress and fear is the root problem of most health issues. Stress depletes our immunity. As you may know, chronic activation of the stress system can occur from even the simplest of daily stressors, and now with the world in a global pandemic, it is as if the stress volume control just got turned up to eleven. (Yes, it goes to eleven). And the adrenals are the first domino to fall. Over or under-production of cortisol leads to a myriad of health problems, ultimately suppressing your immunity.

The adrenals need a lot of support for many of us because of the typical modern stressors. This pandemic will be the tipping point for many, overtaxing an already overtaxed system.

An important item to note is that when your adrenals are firing, your blood sugar goes up. This is so you have the fuel you need to run from any potential threat. And viruses feed on sugar. Just sayin.

Here are some recommendations for more conscious embodiment, and we will go into more in coming posts:

  • Drink plenty of clean filtered water. Look into drinking structured mineral water.
  • Let food be your medicine. Decrease alcohol, sugar intake, processed foods and simple carbohydrates. Eat enough protein, good fats, fruits, and vegetables. Here is a helpful article resource from Dr. Mark Hyman.
  • Support your adrenals with supplements, herbs, and calming lifestyle choices such as meditation, epsom salt baths with lavender, sound healing, contemplation, napping, reading a good book, and positive thinking practices. The lifestyle piece is the critical foundation, none of the others will work if you don’t address your mindset and behaviors. What is your favorite downtime? Schedule it!
  • Be kind to yourself. There have been studies that show that the way we talk to ourselves, influence our hormones and inflammation. Consider trying Peggy Snyder’s Ten Minute Cognitive Workout.
  • Be honest with yourself. Drop below the story of the mind. Look into studying the Energy Codes and other tools with me and/or explore Byron Katie’s The Work.
  • Take in more nutrients to support your body and immune system. Contact an herbalist or naturopath you trust for recommendations. Our faves: Osha Root with Oregano Oil, Nettle, Elderberry, Astragalus, Vitamin C, B Complex, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Trace Minerals, DHEA, but there are many others that are good!
  • Enjoy sunshine (ideally early to late-morning). Viruses cannot survive in the sun. Get outside first thing in the morning so your eyes are exposed to the sun. This will help boost cortisol and shut off melatonin to help regulate your circadian rhythm.
  • Walk in nature, or as close as you can get, with neighborhood streets and parks. Hug trees. Breathe deep. Feel your connection to the Earth. Walking is an amazing stress reducing practice because it involves cross body action, that is your arms and legs are moving in a way that allows both lobes of your brain to integrate.
  • Breathe deep. Get to know your subtle energy body. Contact me for more information.
  • Garden. It is the season now and there are benefits to touching the soil with bare hands. Put your feet on the soil or grass barefoot for grounding and resetting your electrical system.
  • Avoid the virus in a clean way. Check out this helpful article from EWG for ways to stay green while staying clean.

world connected


The COVID-19 virus is highlighting for us the physical reality of our global society and just how connected we are. In combination with empowerment and embodiment, comes the most powerful healing gifts of connection: connect to yourself, connect to your community, and connect to nature.

As we respect the need to “socially distance” during this time, we remind you to generate connection in creative ways using technology that can feel both fulfilling and nurturing.

We are hard-wired for belonging as Brené Brown often reminds us. Your Autonomic Nervous System is the primary mediator of immune function. So in addition to avoiding pathogens out in the world, it is actually even more critical to keep our connection systems online in our lives. Isolation can shift us into a neuroception of threat and activate defense responses, compromising our immune function. Our neuroception of safety returns when we feel connected and supported, keeping our ventral vagal systems engaged and our bodies maintaining healthy immune function.

We borrow this three-tiered approach to connection inspired from Applied Mindfulness, and we add a fourth one:

  • Inner Relaxation Response: Double down on your spiritual tools, and get to know yourself better. Commit to radical self-care. Learn and practice Inner Bonding. All of us are more magnificent body, mind and spirit than we can fathom. What better time than now, to fathom more of you? Subscribe to Inner Space Academy.
  • Social Engagement: Reach out to friends and family, and schedule video chats and hang outs. And if you are magnificent (you are), so are others. Focus with new energy on collaboration, cooperation and optimism. Lovingly imagine a very different world consciousness on the other side of this virus and we will too.
  • Nature Connection: Go outside as much as possible, nature has airborne gifts such as Phytoncides that can help you keep your immunity up. Look at the natural world with new eyes, with a willingness to see allies everywhere. Let the fear you feel rising in response to the virus slowly ebb away in the face of this truth: the universe is benevolent and generous. Walk in the world and breathe that truth in as you bask in the sunshine.
  • Seek the support you need. What we need to work on within us may be difficult to identify on our own.

An old Hindu proverb and saying goes, that the three greatest mysteries are a fish unto water, a bird unto the air and a man unto himself.

Consider working with me to help you see into the mystery of yourself. I recommend booking a session from my Heartifact Archaeology eco-system where I can support you through your upgrades to burn off the outworn, process old grief, and integrate abandoned parts of you.

Each of us have the power of our own health inside us. Take the directive from the universe by design, not by default. Upgrade. Integrate. Empower. Embody. Connect. We will be covering all of this rich information again from different angles to support your full spectrum of well-being in the coming year through my Inner Space Academy subscription. We will all get through this together. We hold you and the world in love, compassion, and prayer.

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