Three is the Magic Number

Three Magic Number
Heart coherence is a simple tool that can help you shift your whole life and it starts with the number three. To quote De La Soul and Schoolhouse Rock, three is the magic number.

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You create your life everyday. You are creating your life this very moment. Do you want to create your world by design or by default? Do you want to create from a place of imagination or limitation?

by Astara

The wind is whipping around this week in Omaha. It feels chaotic and a little crazy to me all this wind, but I know it serves a purpose. From a physics perspective, the extreme contrast in temperatures as the jet stream moves north, as the sun angle increases, results in pressure differentials increasing wind speed. My intuition tells me the wind is spreading seeds where they need to go for when the rains arrive next. The wind is in service to growth.

If I stand inside the wind without resistance, I feel my hair whiz around my head and skin and feel reverence for its strength. If I turn my back to the wind instead of walking into it, the wind becomes a friend propelling me along my walk, helping me forward. Being curious inside the strong wind, being willing to experience it fully, the wind reveals its gifts.

When funky circumstances seem to blow through your world, it may feel a lot like this big wind. It is a choice of perspective. Do you see yourself as a victim to the wind or a creator with the wind?

  • Victim: Funky circumstances are happening to me and the solution is outside of me.
  • Creator: These big events are happening for me – for my learning – and the solution or best response is inside of me.

Is big emotional, mental, or physical weather in your life happening to you or for you?

A simple secret of life is you are a powerful creator. Such truth can be simple at an idea level, yet complex when we take into account our circles of connection and their influence. Simple, but not easy. When you string all your choices together, conscious and unconscious, you get the life you created right now by default. As you sit here reading my words, you are creating. If you don’t like your current circumstances, don’t worry. You can make new choices.

To consciously create the world you want takes practice. To remember you are a creator takes years. We create based on the resonance we hold. You don’t want to create from the noise inside you, it will just create more noise around you. First, reconnect to the more expanded You (with a capital Y) — i.e. your divinity, your infinite nature, and your wisdom.

Five steps to being a better creator:

  1. Get in your body: Slow down, breathe deep, and feel your body.
  2. Drop into your heart: Get wordless. Drop the pebble of the mind into the pond of the heart.
  3. Generate Coherence: Wade into the river of love that flows along your spine. This happens naturally and organically after the first two steps.
  4. Cultivate presence: Welcome your present experience. Accept and see more sides than yours.
  5. Be creative: Your response to life is where your real creation lies. It is everything. Get imaginative and create!

If you do the first four steps you are naturally going to be imaginative in your response. Imagination rooted in benevolence and trust (heart coherence) is always going to create something better.

Heart coherence is a simple tool that can help you shift your whole life and it starts with the number three. To quote De La Soul and Schoolhouse Rock, three is the magic number. In math, three is the smallest number of elements you need to create a pattern or break a pattern. I am going to talk about another rule of three that can change your entire life: your three brains. Specifically, your three brains talking lovingly to each other.

Yep, three brains.

It turns out, you have a brain in your head (cranial brain), a brain in your heart (intrinsic cardiac network) and a brain in your gut (enteric neural plexus). If they are talking to each other, we call that state coherence. Because the heart is at the center and is the first to know what is happening, I call it heart coherence.

Unfortunately, we tend to live in our worlds through one brain trying to run the show: our head brain. The cranial brain perceives opposites, limitation and separation. Not the best place to create from. When we step into heart coherence, our brain is able to hear the signal from our heart and gut, where we can go straight to the source of who we are. Did you know that the heart brain has 100 times more electromagnetic activity than our head brain? Did you know that the gut brain, the enteric or sensory nervous system, is 10 to 1,000 times more abundant nerve count than our motor nervous system? Together they make our core the home of our true intelligence. In a state of heart coherence, our life becomes easier across the board. Our head becomes the radio tower it is meant to be, receiving important signals from the core and translating them better.

They say we teach what we most need, and it is true. My partner Orion and I teach coherence techniques using sound and energy, empowering others to enter their inner world where our weather systems originate. We teach tools to become reflective, contemplative, and self-referring because we need it. We live in a culture that seems to have strong and frequent metaphoric winds, blowing political, social, and economic challenges every which way around all of us. This cultural weather is trying to evolve us.

Chaos is perpetuated because our modern society is more focused on achieving, producing, and consuming, then experiencing. We all have conditioning for a strong outward focus as well as past-future worry. Most of us create from here by default. It takes unlearning to notice our patterns, commitment to welcome new habits that bring us back to the here and now, and discipline to practice them. The present is where everything is happening.

Get curious about the pressure differentials your internal and external weather system creates. You can choose to see the gifts of the circumstances, rather than focusing on the challenges. You create your own weather and how you respond. You create one way or another, why not do it on purpose? Today, this moment, transform yourself into a conscious creator. Choosing to be so.

Breathe deep and slow. Open the super highway of your central channel, and let three be your magic number. Create your world by design, not by default.

Listen to our Sound Alchemy: Growing From the Soil to support what you want to create and grow. 

If you need more one-on-0ne support, consider investing in a Heartifact Archaeology private. For even deeper transformation, jump into a Heartifact Coaching package with Astara.

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