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More you than you know

Be the you, you came here to be. Be more you than you know.

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“It has been calculated by scientists that our knowledge base is growing so fast that what once took one thousand years to learn subsequently took only the next five hundred years, then two hundred and fifty years, then one hundred and twenty five years until the present when a thousand years of information only takes a few days to become available.” – Jose Stevens

By Astara

In this last decade, what took us a thousand years of information to learn reached one second. Typical of the universe, it didn’t stop there. The sheer amount of information available continued to half to some infinitesimal amount of time and the amount of information has now become infinite.

These are the times we are in.

Billions of bits of high frequency information (energy) is coming to you in your field every millisecond. And that information is love. How do you capacitate that? You build more circuits. You practice becoming available to that infinite flow of love by embodying more fully. Because the truth is–this is what you ARE.

The brain cannot grasp the implications of this. Understanding what this might mean is up to the heart. When we drop into our core and land in our body and create coherence between the gut brain, the heart brain, and the head brain, we are capable of awakening to the multidimensional thought that is already there.

“If we realize that there is no real vacuum in space, that it is filled with infinite information, we can see that we are already surrounded and interpenetrated by information. Through the process of induction, infinitely overlapping magnetic fields instantly inform our own small biological magnetic field and we become privy to all information everywhere in the universe. So this condition already exists and has always been, we just didn’t realize it. This is the knowledge that all the great and enlightened masters discovered, that they had access to all knowledge in the universe at the tip of their fingers or more accurately in the middle of their chests where the “Inner Shaman” resides. Certainly Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Lao Tzu knew to name just a few.” – Jose Stevens, The Power Path, Exploring The Heart Of The Inner Shaman: Advanced Work With The Inner Shaman

As we surf the infinite waves of high-frequency information — which is what we are made of and which is love — sometimes we have trouble receiving and being that love. We are afraid to lose control. Or we are blocked to receiving the worthiness we are. We hold fast to the way things are, and then complain that we want them to be different.

Do you know why we’re attached to the way things are? Because our protective identity is hooked up in it. That’s all.

So, you want to get into the passionate self? The best and only way is you step back into the essential self. And that is the Soulful Self, the Meta Self, the master inside your heart.

When consciousness is expanding – when your life is expanding, when you’re growing – an impulse rises inside you. That impulse looks and feels like a void. It is! We often hear “All the answers are inside of you,” and we look and see nothing. It may feel scary to the small self, the personality. Yet, when this happens, it’s time to celebrate! That’s the cosmic expansive wise stranger that is you knocking at the door. What appears to be a void is really more of you showing up. More you than your personality may know how to be.

Where do we go from here? We go IN. Answer the door of the beautifully uncomfortable void. Build circuits to let more love in. Be the you, you came here to be. Be more you than you know.

Drop in to your magnificence with Astara inside Inner Space Academy. Or explore even deeper into your soul through an offering inside the Heartifact Archaeology eco-system.

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