by Astara
Happy Friday the 13th!
It is time to learn about the beauty of the number thirteen. Perhaps you have bought into the hype about spooky superstitions connected to thirteen. Numbers cannot expresses anything sinister, dark, or unlucky. Numbers are neutral; they only hold the meaning or charge we give them. Math is one of the languages of the cosmos. The number 13 is filled with sacred math, meaning and power.
Thirteen is associated with the feminine, the womb, the void, yin. Friday is the day of the Norse Goddess Freya, famous for her fondness of love, beauty, magic and power. There are 13 moon cycles and 13 menstrual cycles. The famous “Marian Apparitions” which are the auspicious appearances of Our Lady Fatima and the Virgin Mary always came on the 13th day of the month.
Vibrationally, 13 is the Death card or the Transformation card in Osho Zen tarot. Releasing old outworn beliefs leads us to Transformation. The band names “Dead Can Dance” or “The Grateful Dead” speak to the celebration after letting go of what no longer serves. Think phoenix from the ashes. Change is the given — 13 honors the innate flow of change in our soul evolution.
Death and rebirth is a reflection of the cycle of creation — 13 encourages us to take risky leaps, living from our essence, following our feelings and our intuition, letting go of over-thinking and analyzing or pushing the river to make a decision or make something happen. The slow down created by 13’s big change gives us space to meet ourselves anew. An invitation to start again in a fresh new way.
In tarot 13 is a part of the bigger constellation of the Emperor archetype, or 4. In the Osho zen deck it is the Rebel card. The rebel builds life from authentic foundations — leading from the heart. Are you living authentically? Can you hear the wisdom of your heart? Thirteen is tugging on your life today, asking you to release and complete what you can in order to be more authentic.

From a science and physics perspective, 13 is amazingly sacred. The pattern of the vacuum, of all of life, is represented in the sacred geometry of the flower of life.
In sacred geometry, thirteen is prominent. Metatron’s cube, the geometric representation of the platonic solids that make up life taken from the 64-tetrahedron grid of the flower of life, reveals a 13th circle in the center.

“Metatron’s Cube is composed of 13 spheres held together by lines from the midpoint of each sphere. The spheres of Metatron’s Cube represent the ‘Feminine’ whilst the straight lines represent the ‘Masculine’. Thus Metatron’s Cube represents the weaving together of the Male & Female polarities to create the ONENESS field of the infinite ALL.” – Simone Matthews
At the HEART of the flower of life and Metatron’s Cube is this feminine circle 13, where everything comes from and goes to in the wonderful contraction and expansion of life. This symbol of life has shown up across ancient traditions from Egyptian, Mayan, Chinese/I Ching, Hebrew/Kabbalah, to others. In Christianity, there were 12 Apostles or Disciples, but really 13 including Christ. So it is also associated with Christ Consciousness.

The number 13 also relates to the levels of consciousness of our DNA. In the book Genie in Your Genes, Dawson Church distills new truth about our epigenetics that couldn’t have been written a decade ago. We can reprogram our DNA. He refers to Bruce Lipton’s breakthrough science how belief becomes our biology through our thought habits and emotions. In about 90-120 minutes, we can alter our DNA. We do all the time.
The magic 13 is a golden key that whispers, “Step into your creator consciousness. Start working with your body in a whole new way. You can consciously work with your DNA!” Learn more about the 13 levels of consciousness of our DNA.

Merkaba* (also spelled Merkabah) connects to the number 13 as well, and when translated from Hebrew it means chariot of light or chariot of God. It connects with the sacred geometry found in the flower of life and Metatron’s Cube. When we activate our Merkabah, we remember our inherited light or energy body, our 12 pointed Stellated Dodecahedron of Light (through the 13th central sphere). The merkaba is the vehicle that all beings have that supports the awakening of our DNA and our remembering our cosmic heritage. This is just a little glimpse into the magic of 13. And there’s so much more.
Happy Friday the 13th!!!!
*Learn how to activate your merkaba in my in-depth course, Merkaba and Living in the Heart. Subscribe to our Inner Space Academy online to explore inner space, the most important space program.