Art | Cherine Bishara “You don’t need to understand my brain to know my heart”
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” – attributed to Albert Einstein, originates from Bob Samples
by Astara
It is simple. There is a still small voice within you that knows. It is a force that moves through each of us, and when we listen and act from that inner compass, our life is transformed quickly. Things start to flow again. Joy surprises us. Strange miracles happen.
This quiet, yet clear, knowing is your heart speaking to you. If you dig deeper, we learn it is our soul speaking through our heart. Our soul doesn’t use words, so our heart picks up the signal and our higher mind translates into a language, image, thought, or idea we can understand. Our heart picks up the frequency of our essence, spirit, and inner truth. This is intuition.
Listen, Act
Listening to the nuance and subtlety of intuition can be scary. Acting on it could be even scarier. That is because your intuitive guidance could go against everything you are emotionally invested in. Often, listening to our intuition is blocked by our mind in an attempt to protect us from authentic action that could threaten our world. In order to become available to our knowing, we have to drop below the mind. As we say at Illuminating Hearts, drop the pebble of the mind into the pond of the heart.
At a cultural scale, our mind-centered society keeps intuition at bay for similar reasons. Better to have solid data then to listen to something so hard to put into words or explain to others. We analyze, build evidence, and chart out the best path. Meanwhile, the heart is patiently waiting for that moment, after all the logical “facts” are gathered to substantiate your case, when you say “I knew it!” And yes, you did actually know it. You didn’t have evidence according to your mind. The mind is the last to know in fact. But you had the best evidence of all, the sensations and messages from your heart. We call these heart-i-facts. And our Heartifact Archaeology sessions are built around the idea that there is truth in your heart, waiting to be heard and acted on for your highest good and the highest good of all. Just the facts ma’am. Yes. The heart-i-facts.
E-motions, are energy in motion. They are related to intuition, but they are not intuition in and of themselves. They are signals from the soul, speaking truth through the body. If you ignore your intuition, you can bet you will start to have emotional sensations arise. This is stuck (not-listened-to and ignored-and-held) energy trying to finds its way to be heard. An emotional decision is like stormy waves on the ocean, crashing on the shore of your body and field. An intuitive decision is a calm, even frequency. It is not sporadic or dramatic, it is steady, clear, and peaceful. It knows. And that is that.
Become Available
How do we begin to listen to the spirit inside of us? How do we listen to our intuition? We become available.
- Ask yourself “Am I available?” Many of us are not, because we might be scared of what we will find out. It may shake up our comfort zones. If you are not ready, that is okay. You can accept where you are at, and either wait until you are ready, or take a few steps to soothe your fears and become available.
- Ask yourself “What am I most afraid of?” Empty the garbage out inside you; release anxiety. List out your biggest fears of what you might hear or find out. Listening to your fears is a great act of self-love. Often, in the act of acknowledgement, many of them dissipate.
- Pay attention to your energy. You can’t tune into your inner guidance clearly if you are not present and available. Some call this getting grounded. Some call it being aware and mindful.
- Become fully present. Look around the room and identify three specific physical items. Describe them to yourself in detail. Instantly you become fully present in your body and your mind stops talking. This makes space for your intuition. Feel the energy around you and in you. Drop any interpretation and just become aware and feel.
- Drop into your body. Inhale slowly and fully. Let your belly expand. Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth and exhale like you are blowing out birthday candles, and pull your belly in. Inhale slowly and do a birthday candle exhale a second time. On the third breath, breathe in slowly and as you exhale slowly make the audible sound “ahhhhh” like you’re going down a slide. The throat is the chimney of the heart, it is important that you let the sound out. This also stimulates the vagus nerve, relaxing and calming you.
- Notice how quiet your mind is now. You have now become empty and available to receive your inner guidance and support. You have dropped out of your thinking brain into your heart and gut brain. The added bonus is that when we become present and quiet our mind, we stay empty of other people’s energy, projections, and assumptions. We release our plans for how it should be and open to what wants to blossom. This approach to getting present to your intuition is fantastic to use when you have a big life question pressing on you. Yet you can use this technique to help you get centered and available to any life situation.
- Ask “What does my heart have to say?” Ask “What does my Spirit or Soul have to say?” Listen. Trust what comes. This is what I call your heart-i-facts.
- Notice how you feel in your body as you receive the guidance. This is the truth serum frequency. When you practice listening, you get better at recognizing this aspect of yourself. Get to know what this frequency feels like vibrationally to you. The more you practice, the better you get at it.
Enjoy igniting your intuition! The earth needs more of us living authentically in alignment with our soul, becoming walking permission slips for others.