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You are already a member of the frequency club called life. What frequency are you going to ride?

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by Astara

All of us are part of a special frequency flyer* club of life, and there are no membership requirements except to be alive and part of the universe. We are energy in motion, we are all connected, and we influence each other–in fact, the whole world–with our chosen frequency flavor of the moment: be it our mood, repeating thoughts internally, or the environment creating an energetic momentum around us, like a pebble in a pond.

In life, whether we are aware of it or not, we transfer our subtle energy or vibration to others and are affected by the subtle (or not so subtle) energies around us. In physics, we describe this as entrainment or as resonance that occurs when an object vibrating at a specific rate transfers its frequency to a second object as the two become adjacent to each other. Imagine a still, or un-struck, tuning fork taking on the vibration of a struck tuning fork as they are brought in close proximity.

A similar transfer of ‘energy’ involves us every day whether we realize it or not. As we move through the world with our current thoughts, emotions, and physical state, we hold a certain vibration. We can transfer our frequency onto another nearby. This happens across time and distance as well. For example, we experience a transfer of frequency through our phone or computer screens via email and social media content. In addition, we do the same through our voice and those we hear over phone calls or recorded messages. Both uplifting frequencies as well as challenging uncomfortable frequencies can be transferred.

Energy is neutral, it doesn’t know bad or good, it is just energy in motion. We experience energy as comfortable or uncomfortable, or in other words, as familiar or unfamiliar. Even expansive energy can be uncomfortable to us if it represents the unknown. Strangely enough, we may side with contracting energies like judgement, just because the represent the known. Regardless, even the most uncomfortable energy, is in service to getting us moving, tuning and evolving.

When someone feels sick and seeks healing in a place of unease (i.e. a hospital), the unfortunate result may be more dis-ease or sickness–the challenging vibration of the environment amplifying negativity and dissonance within the individual searching for help. If a sick individual, on the other hand, seeks health in environments that vibrate flowing vital energy, syncing and resonating with that place usually produces a healing response. You slowly take on the environment you surround yourself with, so what environments, people or predominant internal moods do you choose to hang out with?

If you want more growth, flow, and vitality, it’s a good idea to ‘align’ yourself with experiences and environments that emit a positive loving frequency.

heart intelligence heartmath

First, start with yourself.

When re-tune yourself from within, eventually your new frequency adjusts the world around you. What vibration are you pinning to your daily world right now? If you need assistance in shifting and lifting your vibration, Illuminating Hearts can help! We have resonance and soul healing offerings that can create space for the tuning fork of your body and soul to realign, re-entrain, and reconnect back to your heart, the earth, and your unlimited flow of vitality. If you live far away, or need emergency vibrational assistance, we have plenty of incredible Sound Alchemy and guided meditation recordings in our shop to support such a necessary tune-up in our modern world — all from the comfort of your home.

In the meanwhile, one of the quickest and easiest ways to lift your vibration is free, it is inside you, and available any time! Just hum, tone or sing. In the car, the shower, on break at work, or enlist your coworkers. Start a song revolution.

Another simple tool to raise your frequency is a wonderful HeartMath tool we share before our Sound Alchemy events.

First, place a few fingers–or your hand–over your heart. This signals “put your attention here” to the body.

Second, slow your breath down, at least 5 seconds in and 5 seconds out, if not a little longer. You only need to count at first to get used to the slower pace.

Third, while breathing slowly, choose to feel one of the following four emotions: gratitude, appreciation, compassion or care. Think of the first person, place or thing that allows you to feel one of those emotions, and simply feel it–all while you are holding your hand on your heart with nice slow breathing. If you catch yourself “thinking” the feels of these positive emotions, try again. Really let yourself “feel” the feelings. It is a subtle nuance, but part of the gift that creates coherence (the quality of forming a unified whole) between your head, heart, and gut.

Only 2-3 minutes of this practice can change your whole day. Eventually, your whole life.

Tate Museum Whole World Art

London Tate Museum, Martin Creed “The whole world + the work = the whole world”


It’s Your Choice

Whatever you choose, it will begin to open your awareness to your own vibration, the vibrations around you, and how you are affecting others–as well as affected by others. The generous choice to shift your vibration to a more loving frequency gives a great gift to yourself and the whole world. You do have the whole world in your hands. Remember, although intense vibrations can be difficult, it is also important to honor life’s frictions as they occur (check out our recent blog Friction Is Your Friend); those intense frequencies are your best teacher and invite the biggest transformations. Respect the learning and move on, you don’t have to pitch a tent and stay in any vibration that alarms you.

Most importantly, as and when you can, seek those experiences that are uplifting to YOU, that re-tune you to neutrality, peace and joy amidst the intensity of our times. It could be as simple as humming, or breathing slowly, or reading your favorite poem. (This is one of our favorite poems of late if you need a good one to inspire.) Your body, your family, and the greater community will thank you! It only takes a few seconds or a minute to change your mind, connect to your heart and fly yourself to a whole new frequency. You are already a member of the frequency flyer club, which frequency are you going to ride? We hope you fly the friendly skies of love. It just so happens to be the frequency you are made of and the technology of your body and heart know how to fly you home.

*We lovingly borrow the term Frequency Flyer from the witty Lisa Gongster.

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