fool full moon
To make a heart-based decision might be at odds with our logic and reason, and feel quite risky, awkward, and downright scary. Our head might say, That is foolish! The Fool counsels you to reconsider.

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“Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.” – Rumi

by Astara

Each full moon brings us gifts. I dub this powerful moon the “fool moon” or “wise moon.” The fool is the wise one. In the tarot, the Fool is the highest and lowest card. It is the zero point (0) where all things begin as well as the culmination of wisdom and knowing (22). This full moon brings us the wisdom of the Fool: spontaneity, surprise, and risk.

The Fool is part of the Emperor constellation (4), which holds the archetype of authentic leadership and personal power. Our culture would have us think that our power lies outside of us, in what we do or achieve. Actually, our power lies inside of us, in our creative ability to decide and choose. To make a heart-based decision might be at odds with our logic and reason, and feel quite risky, awkward, and downright scary. Our head might say, That is foolish! No way. Yet the Fool counsels you to reconsider. If you avoid decisions rooted in your heart knowing, there are hidden costs. You might feel off or lethargic, or try to put your finger on an unnamed sadness, anxiety, or depression. So listen to your core, to the message that wants to be heard.

In the Book of Runes, the rune Eihwaz says “We are not doers, but we are deciders. Once our decision is clear, the doing becomes effortless, for then the universe supports and empowers our action.”

It is challenging to listen to our foolish wisdom as intense news tumbles in a constant stream. Yet, the Fool knows that everything comes down to deciding. Whatever decision you face, small or large, that is where you create your world. Effort drops away when we align our head, heart and gut in clarity and take action from there (last week I wrote about this in Three is the Magic Number).

Let this fool moon encourage you to dive into your center and tap into the wisdom there. In my work I teach about your soul star, the pool of light you are a few feet above your head. Your soul star resonates with the vibration of trust. You can connect to your expanded energy just by reaching your hand straight up over your head and snapping (that is the soul star or Chakra 8). Feel the thickening of energy there at your hand. You begin to embody the energy of trust that you are when you consciously connect to this place above you.

Your courage and the willingness to be inspired and follow your heart’s intuition, is going to lead you where you need to go, when you need to get there, in divine timing.

Regardless of the circumstances around you, let the power of the full moon amplify the wise and risky foolishness of your heart! The universe will be right there as you decide and leap forth, delicately rearranging everything to support you. Happy fool moon!

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