Dynamic Flow and Stillness

Astara Orion
Practice being both the rooted tree and the river that flows by its side.

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photo: Joshua Foo

“Be like the great rooted tree by the side of a flowing river.” – The Tao

by Astara

The new moon may have winked at you Sunday, hinting at paradox. Perhaps you feel the newness of the year and possibility, even as old emotions ask for some attention and care. When the past washes up on our shores again, we get to tend to lost aspects and integrate them. If we are willing. With a dash of humility and a pinch of responsibility for our part, we can forgive, learn, and move forward. And when we choose to spend time with ideas and people that uplift us, we can move forward with more ease. Thank you watery new moon for the message.

The February weather here in Omaha has been cooling then warming, then cooling again. A dynamic dance that lets us know spring is near. As snow melts and then returns, as the moon pushes on us and then pulls, as our lives swirl new circumstances in each moment, we are reminded how dynamic life is.

Inside all of that action, there is stillness too. A calm center that waits for you. It exists even as the wind kicks up around you. The paradox is we are action and stillness all swirled into one. Practice being both the rooted tree and the river that flows by its side. We are dynamic and still, we just have to build capacity to hold the paradox.

How do you balance movement with rest? What do you do when dynamic turns to overwhelm? When the motion of life turns into commotion? We would love to hear from you in the comments how you find your still point.

For us, we have to remind ourselves to slow down. Get quiet. Go within. Breathe slower and deeper, and remember what we are grateful for. Because that still point inside of us is really what moves it all. And if you haven’t yet, we encourage you to create time to listen to our Sound Alchemy Frequency of Love. It is a grand invitation to visit the still point inside you.

Inside the quietude, there is much more capacity to hold the paradox that we are.

Embrace all of you.

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