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all-oneness alone
The essential medicine that ushers freedom: Aloneness.

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by Astara

A good friend recently gave me two phrases “messy mortality” and “continuum of courage.” Genius. I love that. A continuum of courage is a more accurate way to describe our humanness. The intense times we find ourselves in ask us to show up authentically and compassionately (again and again), which takes deep courage. Most of us easily slip into fear and judgement in the face of so much change. When we live identified as the protective personality, we don’t stand in our integrity and soulful knowing. We slow the intricate process of waking up to the truth of who we are. The good news is we can’t stop waking up, no matter what we do. It will happen one way or another. Yet we may slow it down quite a bit.

Our Inner Space Academy and soulful offerings are geared as support during these times, with tools of empowerment to reconnect you to your soul and keep you in the flow of awakening amidst our Global Unity Event.

Our Sound Alchemy focused on freedom, and freedom means no longer holding back your soul while building capacity for paradox in the messy mortality of being human. Learn more about freedom in our blog post Interdependence Day. Learn more about the freedom that comes with aligning the inner with the outer in the blog post Undivided Life. (both include an audio file if you prefer listening to Astara reading the blogs instead)

The essential medicine that ushers freedom: Aloneness. When we are still and connected with our core self, we have direct access to the oneness we are inextricably linked to. We begin to feel the truth of what is unfolding inside of us. So carve some time for you. Nap, go outside, journal, meditate, invest in self-care. You could listen to one of our Sound Alchemy sessions, guided meditations, or watch a video (or two). You’ll know what to do. If the world is too busy and too noisy this week to carve alone time, use your sleep cycle to connect to you. You can always create a circle of quiet and be “alone” amidst the noise of a group with a few intentional slow introspective deep breaths. When you are alone, you are really all one with everything.

May you find the all-oneness you need! This is how you become the light you are looking for.

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