Astara Orion bowls
Success does not come from outside of you. It comes from within.

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For many of us, our identity, our value, our worth gets defined by the cultural agreements instead of our authentic knowing. It is time to redefine success from inside you. To live in flow with life, and to feel the abundance unfolding in all ways, we must learn to be self-referral rather than outer-referral.

I wrote the post Airstream of Consciousness, about my journey to create Illuminating Hearts with my beloved Orion. In my blog post I describe how I risked everything, only to find out there was no risk at all, at least not from the heart’s perspective. Each time I stretch and expand my reality to make room for more of my dreams, I am met again with the resistance of the mind trying to protect me. It is a natural response to growth. Growing pains, is an honest way to name it. The old notions of success I was taught in school, at home, and in the world are slowly dissolving so I can write the new definition of success for me.

How we each define success is going to vary. For me success is found when I drop the victim story and remember to go to the core of my being for my wisdom. It is then I become trust again and can access my inherent creativity to make the world I want. I define success as finding comfort in discomfort and leaning into the shadows. Success is courageous vulnerability, healthy boundaries, self-care, and loving the parts of me that I don’t like that much. Success is finding the gift of my dark side.

When we are identified in the mind, something is always missing, and choosing the unknown of our dreams is a risk. When we are identified in the heart, we are identified with our wholeness. And a choice from there, a choice on behalf of our true passion, is the best next step no matter appearances.

How do you define success? We would love to hear from you!

My daily practice is to train the mind to find the new me. The me that knows the world is filled with wonder despite all the headlines. The more expanded me. The brave me living from my heart. After four days of dancing with the shadows of my doubts, I am back stronger than ever.  I have a lot of tools that help me train my mind. Energy Codes is a fantastic system to help me find the truth of my being every day. Sound Alchemy is an incredible tool as well. And I have many others, that I love to share with you.

I don’t have the right words for the magic we are creating for you all. The latest Sound Alchemy session, Frequency of Love is absolutely wonderful. Each sound session is channeled by Orion and I from our highest most expanded selves for all of you. Every session we drop into our hearts, carrying a sweet vibration of resonance medicine to you across the miles.

Have a success-filled life on your terms. Your heart knows the way.

Subscribe to our Inner Space Academy to learn how to redefine success from the inside out. All of our soulful content prepares you for a new age of empowerment.

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