Sound Alchemy: Time Travel

Release, unwind, heal, and and transform what is no longer serving you with Astara and Orion inside our alchemical sound journey.  Quiet your self-noise and connect to your galactic center in your heart where you can step into your time machine and wise inner healer.

Time travel is a fancy way of saying, “I am standing in eternity.” Eternity is not everlasting time; eternity is outside of time. Time travel is powerful because we can commune with the past, present, and future all at once. It is a part of a “both-and” cosmos. — Astara, from How The Stars Tell Time


Let the light you are be the guide on this journey. This is your time travel machine. The time travel machine to the past and future is love. It can only be love. This is the aspect of you that has access to all of your soul’s experience, that guides you to the time and place in your life or lifetimes that needs your healing, attention, and loving wisdom. Let your light be your guide inside of the sound. Enjoy your journey.

Soul Healing & Multidimensional Energy Transmission
Our nourishing container of sound medicine helps you come home to your body and soul. When life gets noisy and overwhelming, it is best to tune inside and listen. Our multidimensional ambient meditation music dissolves the noise inside you that is not you, allowing more flow and ease in your system. Our intentional sound is a channeled energy transmission, lifting you in expanded resonance, integrating hidden soul parts, and revealing healing through your own wholeness.

Listening Recommendations (36:38 min):

  • Create a “sacred” space to experience your sound journey. Make sure you have space and time and won’t be interrupted. The more sacred you make your time with you and the sound, the better you will feel!
  • Listen at least once with your eyes closed. We recommend using a face mask or eye pillow. This will help you turn off your mind to drop in deeper into the sound and receive the energy transmission fully. Closing your eyes stimulates melatonin (even during the day) and lowers cortisol, helping calm your overstimulated adrenals. A brief period of darkness allows you to receive the healing benefits while inviting more reflection and inner space exploration.
  • Rest. We recommend you listen to this Sound Alchemy medicine while resting. It is best to listen to this soul song while sitting, or even better, lying down. Do not listen while driving or operating heavy machinery.
  • Use headphones or earbuds. We highly recommend a good headset to get the most out of your listening journey, use over the ear headphones or quality earbuds.
  • Be open minded. The more you believe and trust in your sound journey, you truly rest. The more you rest, you heal. The more you heal, the more you arrive into your life.
  • Enjoy your embodiment! 

Through deep listening you align vibrationally with our sound. This is called entrainment. With your commitment and full participation, our sound medicine has the potential to invite one or more of the following benefits:

  1. Relieve stress and promote a lasting and substantial reduction in anxiety.
  2. Activate the alpha and theta states of the brain, and the gamma state as well — this helps you recall mental images and access visualizations while awake.
  3. Facilitate deep physical relaxation and mental clarity at the same time.
  4. Access your parasympathetic nervous system, where healing occurs.
  5. Synchronize the two hemispheres of the head brain creating coherence.
  6. Create coherence between the gut brain, the heart brain, and the head brain allowing the body to communicate and create a natural environment for restoration and wellness.
  7. Receive messages from your Soulful Self.
  8. Leave fear behind and engage your creative thinking and problem solving at a higher level of trust, faith, and connection.
  9. Reduce pain, promote euphoria and stimulate the release of endorphins.

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