Sound Alchemy: Room for the Universe

Astara and Orion take you on a song journey calling you into the here and now. Time is happening all at once, so drop into the present moment to feel the universe within and without. 

Let the sound invite more spaciousness into your life. Slow down your breath. Now slow it down some more. Let that slowness flow into your world. Be more. Do less for a moment. The gong, bowls, voice, didgeridoo, flute, chimes and other instruments, all sing your soul into awareness of the vastness inside you. You are pure energy. You are 99.99999% space and you are 0.0000001% solid. Another way of saying it, you are sound. Go to the source of who you are, and let the song you are, the energy you are, the space you are — lead you. Leave some room for the universe inside you to delicately rearrange your life in alignment with your heart. — Astara


Explore inner space, the most important space program.

Soul Healing & Energy Transmission
Our nourishing container of sound medicine helps you come home to your body and soul. When life gets noisy and overwhelming, it is best to tune inside and listen to your center. The instruments help. They dissolve the noise inside you that is not you, allowing more flow and ease in your system. Our intentional sound is a channeled energy transmission, lifting you in expanded resonance, integrating hidden soul parts, and revealing healing through your own wholeness.
Recommendations for this Sound Alchemy session (31:29 minutes): 
  1. Listen at least once with your eyes closed. This will help you drop in deeper into the sound and receive the energy transmission fully. Closing your eyes during this sound meditation experience also stimulates melatonin (even during the day) and lowers cortisol. Amongst many other benefits, this moment of darkness helps calm your overstimulated adrenals.
  2. Rest. We recommend you listen to this Sound Alchemy medicine while resting. It is best to listen to this soul song while sitting, or even better, lying down. 
  3. Listen with headset. Use a good headset to get the most out of your listening journey, we recommend over the ear headphones if you have them or quality earbuds. If you use speakers, please use the best you have in the house. 
  4. Enjoy your journey!

Production Sound Mixing, Engineering & Design: Tiny Space Productions