If someone should say to you:
“In the fortified City of the Imperishable, our body, there is a lotus, and in this lotus a tiny space: What does it contain that one should desire to know it?”
You must reply:
“As vast as this space without is the tiny space within your heart: heaven and earth are found in it, fire and air, sun and moon, lightning and the constellations, whatever belongs to you here below and all that doesn’t, all this is gathered in that tiny space within your heart.”
~ Chandogya Upanishad 8.1.2-3
Guided Meditation: Tiny Space of the Heart (12:04)
This meditation is an excerpt from the Heartifact Archaeology Playshop titled Advanced Energy Codes held at Sutra Yoga & Meditation in Omaha, Nebraska in December 2019. The Advanced Energy Codes goes beyond The Energy Codes book, helping you reclaim your magnificence by revealing the infinite energy you are, and expanding awareness of the chakras or energy centers beyond the body.
Connect to your tiny space, the incredible center of your own galaxy. Visit the tiny space daily, or as often as possible, so you can get familiar with what it feels like to inhabit this part of you consciously. It is a great place to go when you need guidance. When we learn to live from this magical place, we have clearer access to our essence, beauty, wisdom, and joy. As well as access to all dimensions within the multi-verse too!
Audio Sample:
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Upon purchase enjoy:
- Chakras 8-12 + Video Link: Many know the western interpretation of chakras 1-7, so we include a downloadable handout of chakras 8-12 for a high level understanding. This file includes a link to the Guided Meditation: Tiny Space of the Heart video with helpful visuals.
- Audio File: A sound file of the guided meditation if you prefer audio only.
The first time through, we recommend you watch the video, which will help orient you visually to the expanded energy centers, which may be new to you. The second time through, sit or lie down with your eyes closed, and just listen. This way you let the guided meditation take you in deeper to explore inner space and become a heart astronaut. As always, we suggest use headphones or earbuds to get the most out of your listening journey. (laptop or phone device speakers just can’t carry the gongs and other lower tones well)
If you ever want to learn more or heal in a 0ne-on-one setting, explore the Heartifact Archaeology eco-system with Astara.
You might also enjoy subscribing to our Inner Space Academy to watch the full Guided Meditation: Tiny Space of the Heart as well as other amazing heart tools in our Heart Alchemy online class!
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