“After I am fully connected to the energy I am, my call with the cosmos starts.” – Astara, How the Stars Tell Time
Enjoy a dose of cosmic wisdom as Astara channels her Galactic Council to receive guidance and support for humanity from higher dimensions. These energy transmissions bring new octaves of learning to tune up your body and field, giving you access to more freedom, power, and creativity than ever before. Start the evening out with a gong meditation. After the channeled message, ask questions of Astara’s guides and practice hearing your own guides too. If you already listen to your guides, your attendance will deepen your connection with yours. Once you are connected more deeply to the source field (quantum field) with Astara and the Galactic Council, the messages and energies that pour forth help you “change the channel” of your life! Be a part of making history. We will record each channeled session to bring Astara’s second book into the world.
Seating is limited, pre-registration encouraged.
Check in time 6:15pm. Event start time 6:30pm.
Please arrive early so we can start on time!
Advanced Registration $20/$25 at door

Astara accesses more of her brain and body so she can tune into the Presence of All That Is, Nature’s Intelligence, her Meta Self, and her guides. Astara calls this the Cosmic Conference Call — a channeling technique she writes about in her book How the Stars Tell Time. Astara writes and teaches about the heart, the physics of the soul, and channeling in her book, How the Stars Tell Time, her private Heartifact Archaeology sessions, and her online school, Inner Space Academy.
Learn more about Astara: https://astararaven.love/meet-astara
Buy How the Stars Tell Time: https://astararaven.love/how-the-stars-tell-time-the-book/
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