An intimate overnight experience designed to ignite human imagination and inspire a brighter future.
What does it mean to be human?
How can we bring meaning into our existence?
Can our shared visions help shape a future of hope and positive impact?
Welcome to
Illuminia, a collective exploration of creativity, magic and community.
*Magic relies on the unknown. The order of events can change without notice.
Your Life is Art
Experience incredible play and presence,
balanced with inner reflection and healing.
Connect with the land, the sky, and community!
The possibilities of the experience are bound only to your imagination. We’ll provide a guideline, you’ll fill in the rest.
Illuminating Hearts
“We help you illuminate your heart, the seat
of your soul, your power — where all
healing and intelligence begins.
We cross-pollinate sound and energy,
science and spirituality, theory and
the experiential to em-power leaders
and create coherent teams and community.
We bring music, metaphysics, and mindfulness
together in a new way to heal you
at the root of life: vibration.”
— Astara and Orion, founders of Illuminating Hearts
The Land
The Freedom Healing Ranch is a
former 467 acre hunting ranch
turned into a living sanctuary where
human potential meets nature’s wisdom.
We hold a vision to regenerate the land
through permaculture principles, while
building creative living spaces and
growing a community that can
accelerate waves of positive impact.
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